Home \ Products \ Ammbusher Mowers & Brush Cutters \ Wear Parts for Ammbusher Brush Mowers and Brush Cutters Wear Parts for Ammbusher Brush Mowers and Brush Cutters Ammbusher Brush Mowers and Brush Cutters have been built for well over 25 years. They earned their reputation for being the hardest-working, safest, and most reliably built rotary brush mowers and cutters on the market. Premier Attachment acquired Ammbusher in 2017 is proud to be manufacturing them with the same high standards these attachments have always lived up to. Premier Attachments always stocks the parts necessary to ensure that your Ammbusher attachments remains an asset. Whether your Ammbusher is 25 years old or less we will always support your needs. Since all of our manufacturing is done in the Midwest, lead times are never a problem. If you want to keep your Premier Attachment Ammbusher mower and cutter operating at its peak performance, its worth your while to keep a few of the most common wear parts on hand. Here are the most common parts we make: If you want to keep your Premier Attachment Ammbusher mower and cutter operating at its peak performance, its worth your while to keep a few of the most common wear parts on hand. Here are the most common parts we make: Ammbusher Mower Blades for the 60-inch (AM601) and 72-inch (AM720) cutters Ammbusher DL66 & DL72 Blades Ammbusher Blade Bolts & Blade Nuts Carbide Teeth & Nuts Ammbusher Hammerhead Stump Jumper Ammbusher Hydraulic Motors Ammbusher Gearboxes Ammbusher E-20 Couplers For more information, please see our Premier Attachments Catalog. If you have any questions call our Customer Service Department at tel:1-866-458-0008 or Find a Dealer near you.